Saturday, October 16, 2010

Objectives & Parameters

Two things learnt from Dr G...

  1. Objectives of the charter should reflect the project ones and not only about the system you are creating. This makes a lot of sense and the new objectives look a lot better.
  2. Parameters of measurement of success:
    • See if you can do a pre vs post study for that is best
    • In order for this to happen the two cohorts need to be similiar
    • If not the best you can hope for is a survey from the previous cohort and a feedback from the new one

1 comment:

  1. Dr Gominda is very active and giving a lot of feedback & this sort of interaction could only be good for me! A mini update:

    * Objectives have been refined
    * Parameters of success have been refined
    * Hoping my friend who is SE will give me some tips on how to improve the IT part of my charter!
