Friday, December 31, 2010

Interim Report Sent

So without posting again I sat down to write the my 1st interim report of my project. What I have done:
  • Made a frame for the whole thesis
  • Concentrated on Introduction
    • What is nursing
    • Situation of nurses in SL Government then Private then Western Infirmary
    • Analysis of the current course
    • Problems
    • Proposed solution
  • Literature Review
    • Definitions of the terms used in the thesis
    • The review
    • Conclusions I drew out of the review
    • What is my research question
    • What are my objective
Thinks I need to think about
  • How to get the nurses to give their view on how a LMS system should be. Mr Anuradha feels I should do it through a questionnaire and I do agree but to construct a good one I am doubtful. Perhaps a simple one.
  • Justification of using what I will use in Moodle (HCI, Multimedia)
 Thats is about it!

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Meeting with Mr Anuradha + Dr Roshan 14.12

  • No need for specific UML modelling
  • You can do overview diagrams
  • SRS is not required
  • Feasibility Report should be submitted
  • Write about the Human-Computer Interface
    • Fonts Used
    • Colors Used
    • Other HCI priniciples
  • Write about the principles of multimedia

Meeting with Dr Gominda 6.12.10


  • Submitted curriculum blueprint
  • Small pox removed from lessons
  • Clinical skills is different from clinical procedures
  • Keep the lessons simple
  • Front end should be attractive, at the moment dull
  • Curriculum map should be introduced in the front page, I have suggested a flash
  • Each lesson
    • Will have separately designed web pages
    • Navigation will be easy inside a lesson
    • Theory should be in a scenario style
    • Relevant multimedia
    • At least one video in the course
    • At least on animation in the course
    • Interactivity will be useful
  • Since they are adult learners they should be able to go through different sections of the course
  • Use the outputs with a questionnaire and make an assessment
  • Literature review
    • Do the review
    • Decide on the research question
    • Make objectives to answer this question
  • Discussion forum should be included as an added incentive
  • Send Dr Gominda & Prog Jayantha a revised Project Charter and Literature Review

Monday, December 13, 2010

Stop & Think

OK Perhaps this irregular posting means I need to think from the start:
  • Project Proposal
  • Done
  • Schedule and Deliverables needs amendment to January 31st
  • Activity: Resubmit to Dr Gominda & Prof Jayantha
  • Literature Review

  • Done
  • Again needs amendment in structure
  • Activity: Resubmit to Dr Gominda & Prof Jayantha
  • Lessons Planning
  • No nurses to help create the lessons
  • Will have to do it on my own
  • LMS Design
  • I still have some viewing to do on Moodle
  • Fortunately I have about 8 hours of good instructional videos to fall back on!
OK that is the flashback. So how should I proceed?
  1. Use the time available well. Im thinking giving about ten days to the nursing students to use the system should be adequate. So Im probably looking at a 20.1.11 deadline
  2. Resubmit a working proposal and review inside this week. This helps the final report as well.
  3. Will have to do two things at the same time. Writing the report as well as develop the system as there wont be time for dedicated work methinks.
  4. Probably better to meet my supervisors at least every 2nd week.
  5. Rough schedule looks like:
  • December
  • 3rd Week: Assignment 2 + 3, Rewrite PP + LR, Finish Moodle Videos, FR, Common Cold
  • 4th Week: SRS, UML, LMS Frame, Measles, Thesis Writing
  • 5th Week: Measles, Mumps, Rubella, Thesis Writing
  • January
  • 1st  Week: Pulmonary TB, Pertussis, Thesis Writing
  • 2nd Week: Diptheria, Herpes, Thesis Writing
  • 3rd Week: Deploy, Thesis Writing, Develop questionnaire
  • 4th Week: Feedback & Interviews of nurses, Troubleshooting, Thesis Writing, System Manual
  • 5th Week: System Manual & Submission
I pray that I follow these targets!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010


Well one minute I was on the ball and the next minute I dont post for nearly 2 weeks! What happened?

  1. Got lost
  2. Got lazy
Why did this happen?
  1. Did not understand the scope of Moodle
  2. Suddenly got stuck with the whole lesson plan development
  3. No push from the system (perhaps deadlines, interim reports) to motivate me
So what have I done about this?
  1. Had a look @ some instructional videos of Moodle but a lot more viewing to do
  2. Am due to meet Dr Gominda for the lesson plan and Moodle structure and then will meet Prof Jayantha about the eLearning 2.0 part. I have realised I have no choice and I must make the lessons myself using the curriculum blueprint as a starting point.
  3. Today all the students had a discussion and we realised that we need to tap into our BOS and ask them for a few motivators like deadlines and more importantly mini deliverables like interim reports. Some students had issues with method and objectives and Alhamdulillah due to my supervisors I have had no such issues
So this week then I meet Dr Gominda and race to the finish line which seems to have become January 31st but my target is now December 25th InshaAllah.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Need to turn the computer off...


Whilst its nice doing online research on Moodle and all that I think lesson planning is now my greatest need. I feel its time to reduce time on my PC and have the lesson list and use my medical books and construct the lesson plan for all the 10 lessons. Then I can start uploading them one by one. So I am targeting 28.11.10 to start the upload so there is work to be done.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Website success...



Today was a technically good day as I managed to setup the online Moodle database on my own and also have made the framework for the Western Hospital website which is not part of the project but I cant have students clicking a text hyperlink now can I?

So now next things to do:
  1. Discuss the frame of the course with Dr Gominda
  2. Review the curriculum blueprint
  3. The start making lessons in coordination with my nursing sisters
Must call Dr Gominda on Monday InshaAllah...

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Designing the website

Although not strictly MSc stuff you need a portal to access Moodle. So Im redoing the website for Western Hospital @

Website design demands a lot of attention to detail and the fact that I am using HTML & Flash is not making it any easier. Hope I can finish in the next few days.


Friday, October 29, 2010

Project Proposal to Specialty Board of Study in BMI


So finally I presented my idea to the Board:
  • They were interested and positive about it.
  • Asked some questions:
    1. The criteria for selecting nurses
    2. The problem with the pre and post cohorts
    3. The curriculum validity
    4. Finding time for the nurses
    5. How to select the lessons for the LMS prototype
  • They had some suggestions
    • For Issues 1 & 2 they suggested that I do what we had discussed to send nurses who had done the old system through the new one in order to have some uniformity in the results.
    • For issues 3 and 5 They were for using the curriculum approved by NAITA and felt I could do the communicable diseases part so I dont think I can modify it. Also they mentioned to do less instructional material design and concentrate on the system functionality and end user experience. This would also help the nurses to actually formally a follow a smaller section. Perhaps I should stick to:
      • Section 2-5: Communicable diseases spread via the RS
      • Lessons: 
        • Common Cold
        • Measles
        • Mumps
        • Rubella
        • Chicken Pox
        • Small Pox
        • Pertussis
        • Diphtheria
        • Herpes
        • Pulmonary TB
    • Or is the above also now too much?
  • I suppose now my questionnaire will be more about the nurses experiences in both courses...
I have been tardy in the last few weeks but now with the BOS giving me the green light I will get back to it InshaAllah.

Time to meet Dr G!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Further Delays

Could not meet Dr Gominda this week. That is not a good thing but this week there was Moodle and I had some WI work as well. Next week must get back to the habit. Plus the curriculum analysis is still due. The last thing I need is to get lazy!

Monday, October 18, 2010

Adjusted Schedule

Well according to my schedule I am supposed to have delivered a feasibility report! But there are a few problems.

  • The project is still not fully clear - I am getting very close to it now with Dr Gominda
  • No project officially sanctioned for me - That is at the end of the month
So I thought to take try to finish a feasibility report by the end of this week and then read up about a work breakdown structure and finish that by the mid of next week. UML & SRS documents will come one week later and that is a big hope and then I get back on track InshaAllah. But submissions will only start once I know what has been officially said and I think that is wise!

Feasibility, Work Breakdown, UML & SRS all delayed by a week! Boo!

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Objectives & Parameters

Two things learnt from Dr G...

  1. Objectives of the charter should reflect the project ones and not only about the system you are creating. This makes a lot of sense and the new objectives look a lot better.
  2. Parameters of measurement of success:
    • See if you can do a pre vs post study for that is best
    • In order for this to happen the two cohorts need to be similiar
    • If not the best you can hope for is a survey from the previous cohort and a feedback from the new one

Friday, October 15, 2010

Meeting with Dr Gominda : Further refining of Project Idea

It seems like this project is like a fat man on a diet! Losing a lot of weight. So today:

  • Even 28 lessons looked too much of the respiratory system module
  • Lessons looked a little confusing
  • So we thought to divide the subject into "Communicable and Non Communicable"
  • And only take Communicable!
  • I asked this from my colleague Dr D as well and he agrees!
So I need to restructure this further!

Stay tuned...

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Respiratory System Module

Well I managed to convert the lessons concerned with the respiratory system into one "Respiratory System" module. In my humble opinion.
  • Lessons look a little better than what is in the NRC syllabus.
  • 28 Lessons
  • 5 Instructional Videos
  • Some funny areas when you slot the topic in
Not to mention the quiz and other Web 2.0 features needed to be added. Looks like Dr Gominda was right about doing one system. I hope he says this is OK. Then I need to ask a bigwig.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Meeting with Dr Gominda

Met Dr Gominda for the 2nd time again. We had an detailed chat. Some highlights:
  • The target remains to make pilot a learning management system for senior nurses in the private sector
  • We agreed that perhaps system design would be more important than the content itself in an IT project but you suggested I check with someone higher up before coming to this conclusion and especially before the presentation. I shall do so with Dr Vajira.
  • The existing curriculum of the available refresher course:
    • It has both system and topic based content
    • Not very clear to just follow what has been given
    • Far better to create system wise topics inside the framework of the present curriculum and show to you. I shall do so before Thursday evening Sir.
    • I thought to start with the Respiratory System.
  • LMS System Design:
    • Each system will have disease (modules)
    • Each disease will have lessons
    • Each lesson will have sections
    • Each section can comprise of the following
      • Instructional material designed by me with guidance from WI nursing sisters to avoid going above/below the required scope
      • Use of Web 2.0 features to highlight interactivity in system design
        • Hover over images where relevant to the text
        • Sound clips (e.g. rhonchi) where appropriate in the lesson
        • Pictures
        • Instructional video
  • How much to do
    • If system design is more important and we can showcase everything then its better to do one system like the respiratory system which is also quite a bit of work
    • If content is more important then more system modules may have to be added.
Time to meet Dr Vajira and get this thing sorted out. First I have to design a system module and see. I need to divide into text lessons, audio, video and gauge the numbers before approaching anybody.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Presentation to BOS in BMI


The Board of Study in Biomedical Informatics has instructed us to 'pitch' our project with a 4-5 slide presentation. 15.10.10 @ 1000. Hope for the best! At least I will soon know if the idea is OK or not and then the healing can begin!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Update: Awaiting confirmations, Moodle class & other stuff...

The highlights of the past 7 days:
  • Got some news from Dr Pandula that he felt the literature review was good which made me happy but of course the BOS in BMI has to say green before I hand it over to anyone. The fact that my coordinator is a literature surveyor as part of his profession makes me a bit queasy!
  • No idea at all about the Project Charter status. I have decided nevertheless to keep on giving my deliverables to Dr Pandula (who will forward it I suppose to the relevant people) and from 14.10.10 start meeting Dr Gominda weekly even if it be for a short meet. If not its 'mallai pol'. 1st deliverable is feasibility report on 10.10.10 (A numerologist's dream!)
  • 6.10.10 Had a good session on Moodle with a technical officer Roshan Dikkumbura who did a good job of introducing us to the basics of Moodle. My installation was successful but I want to work on this straightaway online as I feel its waste to do this on a local server. Perhaps just experiment till 14.10.10? No clue at the moment.
  • I have it in my mind to finish lesson development by the end of next month InshaAllah. This would include the post-lesson quiz which I will implement in a simple way. Hopefully Moodle will allow me to lock lessons with a quiz! In order to do this of course I must first know what my lessons are going to be and for order in this to happen the BOS BMI must approve my idea to do only 50 hours of the 100 hour section so I can work on this systematically methinks.
  • Will my project schedule be accepted / rejected / amended... Only God knows...

Friday, October 1, 2010

SkyDrive setup

Alhamdulillah after thinking about it I thought of keeping most of  my submitted documents regarding this project in cloud storage. Made a lot of sense in case anybody wanted to see it at a moments notice and also I suppose for safety.

So again its SkyDrive to the rescue.

Drafts Documents of LR and PC sent!

So finally after 96 excruciating hours of work a Project Charter that I feel is workable and a Literature Review I can say I tried to do scientifically is complete. I used the following guidelines for my literature review:

Assessing online nursing courses: a review of the literature
Rikaz Sheriff*
*Senior Medical Officer, Western Infirmary
Correspondence to: Dr. Rikaz Sheriff, Western Infirmary, Colombo, Fax +94 773 063419;

General information
Current situation
Search terms to include
Search terms to exclude
Article selection criteria
Inclusion (include articles which match your objectives)/Exclusion criteria for your articles
Discuss what you found after the search, selection and exclusion. Break the information down into groups of knowledge and analyze. Just give the numbers and figures.
What you feel about the results. Which results are relevant and which were expected and which were not.
Thanking people
Check your submission guidelines for how to reference. There are too many but we use Vancouver I think.

Whilst people can agree or disagree there is no set way to say that this IS the way to do a LR unless a certain faculty has strict guides about it. All I can say is LR seems to be more of an art form which gets better as you ‘paint’ more review if you know what I mean. My supervisor Dr Gominda is slated to speak in the SLMA about literature survey next Saturday so if he likes the final review I can safely say its ‘peer accepted’.

Now comes the hard words I have to ask myself: " You can talk the talk, but can you walk the walk"

May Allah make it easy on all of us!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Project Charter Roughly Done!

I completed what I felt was the basics of my project charter. Although there is no point in posting the whole charter here I used the following framework in placing the information in the charter:


1 Introduction (introduction to the topic)
1.1 Sponsor: Western Infirmary (my sponsor)
1.2 About Private Medical Services Regulatory Council (important players)

2 The existing nursing refresher course (introduce the existing system)
2.1 Analysis of the current method (how did it run)
2.2 Business case: Problems with the current method (what were the problems)

3 Proposed System (how i plan to introduce a new system to solve the old problems)
3.1 Introduction (introduction to the system)
3.1.1 Objectives (measurable, specific, actionable, realistic, doable things e.g. Increase nurse participation in the course to 75%)
3.1.2 Scope (what i am actually going to do e.g. setup an access point for nurses to login to the course)
3.2 Project organisation (who is my team to develop this project)
3.3 Resource requirements (not only what were the resources but why we chose them)
3.3.1 Human resources (can be advisors, administrators or subordinates)
3.3.2 Material resources Hardware (servers, computers etc.) Software (learning management system, Image editing software etc.)
3.3.3 Budget (how much will all the resources cost me in REAL money not virtual rupees)
3.4 Risk analysis (what are the problems that can occur from the organization, product or even the business environment)
3.4.1 What are the risks (list them out even if they dont come inside the purview of the above points)
3.4.2 Mitigation plan (your plan B for the what you will do to bypass the risks)
3.5 Work breakdown (very important to think about this. how will you break down your work into pragmatic parts?)
3.5.1 Activities (once you break down the work you get your activities. e.g. List the requirements of the software)
3.5.2 Deliverables (once an activity is finished you get your deliverable e.g. SRS or Software Requirement Specification)
3.6 Project schedule (how you plan to do all these activities there are many method to represent this. I used Excel to illustrate this)
3.7 Monitoring mechanism (how will your supervisor(s) monitor you throughout the project)

4 Parameters of measurement of success (what tool(s) will you use to show your systems performance against the older method/system. I intend to use a feedback form for the old and new students)

5 References

6 Illustrations (here I am sorely lacking. In order to do a good presentation you should have very simplistic diagrams in near lay terms so anybody can understand your charter)

I am not very confident of it. I have asked a few faculty members to help so lets see what comes out of that. At the moment only my Dad has some time for me! Without a doubt writing what you already plan to do is vital isn't it? You get more logical and sequential in what you plan to do and indeed what you cannot do!

Either way, I aint submitting till 30.9.10 @ 11pm.


Saturday, September 25, 2010

Further analysis points to a one section pilot as being more feasible!

On further analysis each section of the NRC has more than 200+ lessons and nearly 90+ lecture hours. In a space of three months I dont feel I can do more than one section. I would choose section 2 (medical and surgical nursing):

  1. Lecture Hours: 93 Hours
  2. Lessons: ~300+
  3. Instructional videos: ~ 40 - 50
  4. Content: Since it is Medicine and Surgery I can write the content with the help of my nursing sisters so I don't go outside the scope of the nurses!
I send a mail to Dr Gominda. Here is hoping for the best.

What I have learnt is analysis of anything is certainly not a waste of time!

Section 1+2 of NRC should be more than enough!

Just finished a brief analysis and typing of 7000+ words of sections 1&2 of the NRC and I feel I have enough of information here to run a pilot. I dont think I have time in 3 months to do any more than this. This seems to be like a 150+ lesson project with instructional videos to boot not to mention the post test questionnaires. I hope I am able to get an internet connection tomorrow and send at least send what I have done so far (Sections 1-2, Lesson List) to Dr Gominda for some ideas and of course I hope he agrees that 2 sections are enough.

I hear the other two students are LMSing semester 2 of the BMI course so my idea should not be too bad.

With time running out I may have to start writing my project charter anyway. I pray that I finish before midnight on the 30th!

I should have a better analysis of what I am getting into by evening tomorrow.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Is doing the whole refresher course more than I can chew?

I am in the process of typing out and at the same type analysing and roughly filling the gaps the whole syllabus for the refresher course. It is broadly divided into five parts:

  1. Fundamentals of nursing
  2. Medical & Surgical nursing
  3. Maternal, Child health & Gynecological nursing
  4. Mental health and Psychiatric nursing
  5. Pharmacology
I have now nearly completed sections one and two and at this juncture I have to reflect.

  • There is quite a bit of content in the first two sections to design
  • In order to do a quality product for the project I wonder if doing all 5 will be a good idea and whether it is really required
  • For the pilot I could always use my own nurses
  • The other two students in Informatics for Medical Education are covering the Semester 2 of this course which to me seems like about the same amount of work
Let us see what Dr Gominda says.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Delayed Blogs, Internet & Projects

Buddhist Statue in Hyderabad in the middle of a lake no less!

I realise it has been some time since I posted anything to the blog and the reason is I have been having some internet connection issues in Hyderabad. First of all let me summarise the happenings of the past week:

  • Met Dr Gomina last week to discuss my project and literature review:
    • I explained to Dr Gominda about what is happening currently
      • Target now is to make a LMS to regularize 10+ years experienced nurses for registration (about 6000 nurses in Sri Lanka)
      • I explained my experiences as a past co-ordinator of the existing face-face system
        • Time is limited
        • Syllabus cannot be covered
        • Students are of different levels so giving the right lecture 'pitch' is difficult
    • Dr Gominda's suggestions:
      • A project based on the idea of "Can a part time face-face nursing course for private sector nurses in Sri Lanka be converted to an online course" is a good one and potentially marketable
      • There should be apart from the text and multimedia content some sort of formative evaluation before going to the next lesson to make the student interact more and justify an online system
      • A pilot project must envisaged.
      • Systematic Literature Review
        • Is a time consuming process
        • Search for "online nursing course" for PubMed revealed about 700 results
        • A systematic review will involve reviewing all the relevant articles ~300+
        • Should take 2 months
    • Called Prof Jayantha
      • Not really a systematic literature review
      • More of a literature survey with review of good cited articles
      • I shall inform through official channels after eHealth
As of today 18.9.10 I hope to get a more stable route to the network and resume blogging but I have a few pitfalls.

  • HINARI is non-functional
  • Then do I just take articles from here and there and write a review
  • First I suppose I better finish my project charter which I hope will be simpler. Even for that I need a stable connection.
  • An extension would be nice!
Hyderabad is nice city with a rich history! I hope to post daily come hell or highwater so please keep tabs on my blog. I shall email as well!


Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Retrospect: What have I done so far?

Let me be honest: I have not done much as of yet. The little I have done I shall now give the highlights below.

  • Have been discussing with my project manager Dr Roshan for quite a few months now on what to do and based on the needs of my employer Western Infirmary, I finally decided to do something along the lines of:
  1. Website for WI - General Information
  2. Patient Education Area - Instructional Videos, Calculators
  3. Price Management System - Simple Dbase for collection centres
  4. Nurse Education Learning Management System for WI-NAITA (National Apprentice and Industrial Training Authority) courses specifically the 3 year formal training to become a NAITA qualified nurse
  • On further discourse with WI I find that we are also taking part in a larger plan of regularizing already established nurses in the private sector (about 6000 of them) who have 10+ years of experience but who do not have formal qualifications & that setting up a course for these senior students is of greater importance. I had already run face-face course for a similar cohort of students so at least I have the advantage of a historical control! I agree to change my ideas to accommodate this need.
  • I had my first meeting with Dr Pandula who is in charge of the "Informatics for Medical Education" elective students. Very useful meeting him. I think one thing that came about (till I meet my final project supervisor of course) is that it better to focus on one thing and narrow the scope down. So planning out a project based on a LMS for the refresher nursing course would be considered adequate at least at this stage rather than trying to write up the project on the website, patient information areas etc. as I has mentioned above as all the salient features of those (e.g. content, delivery methods) would more or less be covered by this as well. Some things I gathered from this (based on the steps to a project charter)
  1. Working Title: Blended learning approach to teach nurses in a private health care setting in Sri Lanka
  2. Introduction:
    1. Introduction to the background of teaching nurses via the blended learning method
    2. Introduction the short course we have done already without any system
    3. Literature review
      1. Formulating Objectives
        1. Go through the course
        2. Make a list of things that have been done and divide the work to lesson, video, etc.
        3. Formulate the objective of this project
      2. Use a good search engine like MEDLINE
      3. See if you can get the articles you need ~ 10 - 15
      4. Then do a systematic review as competently as possible
  3. Business Case:
    1. Formulate a good feedback form which can be used for the previous batch who did not have a system and get their views
    2. Discuss the issues brought up
    3. Finally it should be the issues of the current system
  4. Measurable Objectives
    1. As has been told before the literature review we need to break down the course and see what type of objectives can be done.
    2. I shall try to enlist the advice of our directors as well.
    3. Measurably doing these objectives can only be done via the feedback form and its a more qualitative than quantitative review
  5. Deliverables: I did not discuss this
  6. Scope of the project: I did not discuss this
  7. Parameters of measurement of success:
    1. I suppose for the moment the working issue is the feedback comparison from the batch without the system vs the students who used the system
    2. I can also randomly select lessons, multimedia instructions and do a pre and post feedback
  8. High End Resources Needed: Not discussed.
  9. High End Risk and Mitigation Plan:
    1. Language Problem: Perhaps an accompanying booklet in Sinhala
    2. Technical Problem:
      1. I would like to conduct a Moodle training course before starting
      2. Also students would still have to attend the face - face classes but the feedback will only be from the on-line one.
      3. What would I do if I do not get the chance to conduct the blended learning course with the refresher students?
  10. Sponsor: Well that I can do!
  11. Project Schedule: Cannot be thought about until things like objective and deliverables are in order.
That is all I have done so far. As it stands I now need to:

  • Have some sort of idea the work in this syllabus for the refresher nurses.
  • Meet Dr Pandula and get a final idea of my rough objectives and get the basic idea of the literature review
  • Meet Dr Roshan and get a basic idea of how to construct the project charter
  • Meet Dr Gominda, My supervisor armed with this basic information to refine the rough stone into a gem! (Wishful thinking I am aware!)
So that is the retrospect. As of today I am busy OCRing the syllabus to take to Dr Pandula either today or tomorrow and then meet Dr Roshan and then Dr Gominda. I have been cut short for time as I have taken leave to assist my wife in her education pursuits in Hyderabad from September 12th - 26th so I hope all bear with me through email during that period.

MSc Biomedical Informatics: Final Project General Info

The MSc in Biomedical Informatics hopes students will become generally skilled in Biomedical Informatics and it has focused us on of three areas:

  1. Public Health Informatics (Public Health)
  2. Bioinformatics (All about the Genetic Code)
  3. Informatics for Medical Education (My elective)
It is no 3 that I am following so I have decided to do a project on this area. Whilst doing a thesis is something new to me I have to start somewhere right? So this is what I know right now:

  • The final project will run from September 2010 to December 2010. So this race has already started.
  • The final outcome is I should have a running programme based on the principles learnt from the course and in particular Informatics for Medical Education.
  • Documentation is paramount and in this regard I have been given the following deadlines:
  1. September 30th : Literature Review (What does the literature say about my project idea)
  2. September 30th : Project Charter (What will I do in my project)
  3. Many Deliverables till the end of the project (Showing my supervisor my progress)
  4. Project must be submitted by the end of December 2010 (Which is 92 Days, 15 Hours & 13 Minutes from this Post)

Here is me praying that this task will not be insurmountable.

Introduction: What is rikazbmiproject?

Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening/Night to the netizens who follow this blog (currently 0),

I am Dr Rikaz Sheriff. A MSc student in Biomedical Informatics at the Post Graduate Institute of Medicine in Colombo, Sri Lanka. My elective is in "Informatics for Medical Education". Apart from this I also went through a Post Graduate Certificate in Medical Education and it is there that I caught the concept of a portfolio.

So here I am. Posting away sweet nothings @ the moment. I have made this blog 'rikazbmiproject' with  إن شاء الله (God Willing) the idea of:

  1. Tracking my progress in my final project in my MSc course.
  2. Allowing my supervisors to track my progress and lambaste me when my posts are few and far between!
  3. Develop an 'unofficial portfolio' of my thoughts so perhaps I can reflect on how I am approaching the task at hand.
  4. Perhaps help others in this shameless public display of transparency!
Thats it. Wish me luck.
